‘OSJ Unlocked’ Fundraising concert from New House premieres on YouTube Sunday 26 July 6pm – Orchestra of St John's | Taking classical music out into the community

‘OSJ Unlocked’ Fundraising concert from New House premieres on YouTube Sunday 26 July 6pm

Robert and Caroline Jackson are our hosts for this concert from New House. Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, we cannot have an audience but we invite you to listen online. It will be premiered on our OSJ YouTube channel on Sunday 26 July at 6pm. Once in YouTube, search for:= ‘Orchestra of St John’s’ (not ‘OSJ’ which won’t find us)

Violinist Jan Schmolck, our leader, plays with pianist Tim Horton:

Schubert’s Violin Sonatina in D major; a piece with formal grace and lyric charm, suffused with the spirit of Mozart, this is the least ‘passionate’ of Schubert’s first three sonatas from 1816.

Fauré’s Violin Sonata No. 1 in A major; “a magic floats above everything” is how Camille Saint-Saëns once described what is arguably the most popular of all Fauré’s chamber works, cherished for its freshness and verve.

Robert will welcome us with a tour of his house and garden. Jan will introduce each piece. In the interval Jan and our Artistic Director John Lubbock will talk about what OSJ means to them.

The concert is unticketed, but we invite you to make a donation in support of our work and our musicians. Click on the CAF logo here or on the OSJ website. And here is How to Donate by Cheque.


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