We have a blinder of a concert coming up on 12 October, and if you don’t believe me take it from one of our wonderful supporters:
I am writing at very short notice about a rare performance of a rather special work next weekend – with an incentive for you to consider coming to hear it. You may well be already committed, but just in case not, I thought you should know more about it.
As you know, I am involved with that wonderful group of performers, the Orchestra of St John. Next Saturday, at Dorchester Abbey, ‘they’ are performing a little-known work by Rossini. While it may not be The Barber of Seville, it is intriguing, wonderfully tuneful and for most it will be a delightful and welcome discovery. You surely can’t go wrong with Rossini.
The work is his Petite Messe Solennelle. But as Napoleon commented (you don’t get too many chances in life to write that line) – although we’re talking of the Emperor Napoleon III – ‘the piece is neither little, solemn nor especially liturgical in spirit’. It is scored most unusually for 4 soloists, a choir, piano and harmonium (yes, really) and the team for next Saturday is outstanding:
Ilona Domnich soprano
Ellie Edmunds alto
Xavier Hetherington tenor
Fraser Scott bass
Maki Sekiya piano
Howard Moody harmoniumOSJ Voices
John Lubbock conductorRossini himself described it thus, in what you may think are rather matey terms for addressing the Almighty:
“Dear Lord, here it is finished, this poor little mass. Have I just written sacred music, or rather, sacrilegious music? I was born for opera buffa, as you well know. Not much technique, a little bit of heart, that’s all. Blessings to you and grant me Paradise.”
Well, now you have a chance to judge for yourself. Because it is an unfamiliar work, bookings have been unusually slow for an OSJ performance (we frequently sell-out), so we are offering a unique opportunity to get two tickets for the price of one! You may not get another chance to hear such an amazing work, in such a beautiful setting, with such an outstanding line-up, with such a brilliant deal. Just go to https://www.osj.org.uk/event/music-in-the-abbey-october-2019/ and get clicking.
I really hope I will see you there
Very best
So, what are you waiting for? Tickets available here.